“Giving is the master key to success, in all applications of human life.”

                                                                                                  -Bryant McGill

We live in a stressful world where it can be complicated sometimes to keep up with the financial demands for livelihood. In each and every part of the world, there are deprived people. How each of us can start helping others by starting with the words: "We Can, We Will, We shall."

For me, the Beginning of my career was not that pleasant. For many years I worked hard and wondered when someone would simply give me a helping hand to me. Then later in life, I found that many people had opened their hearts to me who were not even my family members. I am glad to share that I have been touched by the kind gestures and acts of individuals who have helped me from bottom of their heart. So many people did not even know me, but, they saw a necessity and provided solutions to my problems. I feel obliged to be with such kind people around me. Over a period of time, I could develop a sense of kindness toward others. I would like to share one such incident in my life.

One such Act of kindness has a strong impression on my mind and will remain forever. A few years ago -I was working as a Digital Marketing Manager in a private firm in Delhi. It was my birthday a very special day in my life. But due to some important assignment at the office, management didn’t allow me to leave early and assigned me a priority task. I had to travel to another corner of the crowded city. While going through a hectic schedule I hardly could find time for myself. Later in the evening upon completion of my task, I could spare a few minutes to celebrate my birthday. This time I thought to celebrate it in a different way away from glamour restaurants. I decided to meet underprivileged children who usually dwell on footpaths and celebrate my day with them. I bought food packets and other eatables from the restaurant and distributed them. The joy on their faces has everlasting impressions on my mind. The tiredness of the day vanished in moments while seeing happy faces.

That was the turning point and since then I found a strong reason to be happier while giving happiness to others. Now every year, I and my husband are doing things for others on our birthdays and anniversary whether it is small, unplanned acts. This is a great way to increase our own happiness as well as those around us. The people we help may be strangers, family, friends, colleagues, or neighbors. If we start looking, beyond our own personal requirements and help people who need us i.e. “Pleasure of Giving”. It's a very great idea to make a difference in someone else's life. Life gives us so many happy moments and we should not leave a chance to make others happy.  “Pleasure of Giving” pays you back in the terms of happiness, satisfaction, Sense of Pride, and Peace of mind.


Let’s make a difference in society. Let’s spread smiles on unhappy faces. Let’s celebrate our Happiness by Giving Happiness.


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