Showing posts with label response codes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label response codes. Show all posts
Server errors are of two types which are below: 

Connection Errors: Connection errors are created as a result of a failing of connection to be established to a Web server. These connection errors do not have a response code, but will contain a description of why a connection could not be established. These errors are like:

  • Invalid URL : Means that the format of the URL is incorrect.

  • Host Not Found: Generally occurs when Internet connectivity problems or sometimes connected to the DNS system 

  • Time Out: The default time out is set to 90 second. 
  • Connection refused: Web server software is not running
  • No Response from the web server: When web server gets overloaded & it does not respond in predefined time
  • Unexpected Error: This error is very rare

Web Server Response Codes & messages

Before trying into fixing of http status code try to understand them what they are & how they come so immediately. HTTP status codes are standard response codes given by website servers on the Internet.
The three digit codes help identify the cause of the problem or when a request does not complete when a web page or other search engine does not load properly.

Server Responses process for status codes:

Informational 1XX: This web server status code shows a provisional response, having status line and optional headers & is terminated by an empty line.
  • 100 Continue & works with HTTP/1.1 version only
  • 101 Switching protocols & works with HTTP/1.1 version only

Successful 2XX : The request successfully received, understood and accepted
  • 200 - Request Succeeded OK & works with HTTP/0.9 & latest version only
  • 201 - Request submitted and resulted in a new resource created & works with HTTP/0.9 & latest version only.
  • 202 - Request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed & works with HTTP/0.9 & latest version only.
  • 203 - The returned information is non-authoritativeness data which is not available on the server & works with HTTP/0.9 & 1.1 versions only.
  • 204 - The request process to a server, but on the server there is no content to deliver on response code & works with HTTP/0.9 & latest version only.
  • 205 - The server got the request, but user should reset the file & works with HTTP/1.1 version only
  • 206 - The server got the partial Get request for information & works with HTTP/1.1 version only

Redirection 3XX : These codes are used in URL redirection

  • 300 - Multiple choices & works with HTTP/1.0 & latest version only
  • 301 - Moved Permanently & works with HTTP/0.9 & latest version only
  • 302 - Moved Temporary & works with HTTP/0.9 & later version only
  • 303 - See Other - The response to the request can be found under a another URL & works with HTTP/0.9 & 1.1 versions only
  • 304 - User performed a GET request, but the information has not been modified, so the server should respond with Not modified response code & works with HTTP/0.9 & latest version only
  • 305 - The requested URL available on proxy server & works with HTTP/1.1 version only
  • 307 - Temporary redirect & works with HTTP/1.1 version only
  • 308 - Permanent Redirect & works with HTTP/1.1 version only

Bad Request 4XX

  • 400 - The request could not be understood by the server due to deceptive request routing or bad request & works with HTTP/0.9 & latest version only
  • 401 - The request requires authorized user & works with HTTP/0.9 & latest version only
  • 402 - Payment Required & works with HTTP/0.9 & 1.1 versions only
  • 403 - Forbidden & works with HTTP/0.9 & latest version only
  • 404 - Not found - The server has not found any matching to requested URL & works with HTTP/0.9 & latest version only

  • 405 - Method not allowed & works with HTTP/1.1 version only
  • 406 -  Not Acceptable & works with HTTP/1.1 version only
  • 407 - Need Proxy Authentication & works with HTTP/1.1 version only
  • 408 - Request Time Out & works with HTTP/1.1 version only
  • 409 - Conflict with the current state of resource & works with HTTP/1.1 version only
  • 410 - The requested resource is no longer available on the server & no address is available & works with HTTP/1.1 version only
  • 411 - The server needs defined length otherwise it will not accept the request & refuse the request & works with HTTP/1.1 version only
  • 412 - Precondition failed & works with HTTP/1.1 version only
  • 413 - The entity which is given by the client is too long. Request entity Too Long & works with HTTP/1.1 version only
  • 414 - Request URL is too long for the server to handle & works with HTTP/1.1 version only
  • 415 - The requested media type is not supported by server & works with HTTP/1.1 version only
  • 416 - Requested range not satisfiable & works with HTTP/1.1 version only
  • 417 - Expectation failed & works with HTTP/1.1 version only

Internal Server Error 5XX  - The web server got an unexpected error of 5 digit code which is due to incapable of performing the request.
  • 500 - Internal server error & works with HTTP/0.9 & latest version only
  • 501 - The web server is incapable to perform the request or the request not implemented & works with HTTP/0.9 & latest version only
  • 502 - Bad Gateway - The service is temporarily overloaded or the server received an invalid response & works with HTTP/0.9 & latest version only
  • 503 - Service Unavailable - the server is not ready to handle the request & works with HTTP/0.9 & latest version only
  • 504 - Gateway Time Out & works with HTTP/1.1 version only
  • 505 - HTTP version is not supported by server & works with HTTP/1.1 version only
SEO Guide Flow for HTTP status Codes:

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